Own-a-Reindeer day
Wednesday 20th December 9.30 – 4.00 £65, Juniors 9.30 – 12.30 £38
Come and spend a festive day with your favourite four legged friend. We will help you to groom, decorate and tack up your pony (Reindeer) for riding and in between give you some stable management skills. Bookings taken with a £10 non refundable deposit. Please bring packed lunch or mid morning snack for Juniors and suitable clothing for the weather on the day.
Own-a-Unicorn day
Wednesday 27th December 9.30 – 4.00 £65,
Juniors 9.30 – 12.30 £38
Come and spend a magical day with your favourite four legged friend. We will help you to groom, decorate and tack up your pony (Unicorn) for riding and in between give you some stable management skills. Bookings taken with a £10 non refundable deposit. Please bring packed lunch or mid morning snack for Juniors and suitable clothing for the weather on the day.
Christmas Gymkhana
Saturday 23rd December, 3.00 – 4.30 £20
Festive fun and games on horseback, Presents for good little boys and girls.
Father Christmas knows who you are!
and for the adults………
Last night at the proms music ride
Thursday 28th December, 9.30 – 5.00 ish, £65
Lets get bobbing in the saddle to a traditional medley of British sea songs building to a finale and the joining of hooves to Auld Lang Syne! We may not have Sir Henry Wood watching over us in person but we are sure to have as much fun as the last night prommers!
Merry Christmas and a
Happy New Year