Summer 2018

Own-a-Pony days

Wednesday 25th July, 1st, 8th & 29th August & Monday 3rd September

9.30 – 4.00, £65

Come and spend the day with your favourite four legged friend. We will help you to groom and tack up your pony for two riding sessions and in between give you some stable management skills.

Please bring packed lunch and suitable clothing for the weather on the day including sun protection.

Junior Own-a-Ponys

Wednesday 25th July, 1st, 8th & 29th August & Monday 3rd September

9.30 – 12.30, £38

Aimed at our younger riders, Choose your favourite pony for the morning and we will help you to get them ready for an hours riding session and give you some stable management skills along the way.

Please bring a mid-morning snack and suitable clothing for the weather on the day including sun protection.

New For 2018…..A week of inspirations!

W/c 13th August, Monday to Friday, 8.00 – 3.00

We have planned a busy week of horsey fun! Join us each day and assist in our daily routine, ride every day and get experience from equine professionals at work on the horses. We have an Osteopath, Dentist, Vet, Farrier and saddle fitter booked to give you an insight into their trade and maybe inspire you to follow. Open to more experienced riders, numbers are limited. Please bring packed lunch and suitable clothing for the weather including sun protection. 8.00 a.m. start each day until 3.00 p.m. £225 for the week or pick the days you would like for £50/day.

Late Spring Holiday (Half Term) 2018

Junior Own-A-Pony Day

Wednesday 30th May, 9.30am – 12.30pm – £38

Aimed at our younger riders, Choose your favourite pony for the morning and we will help you to get them ready for an hours riding session and give you some stable management skills along the way.

Please bring a mid-morning snack and suitable clothing for the weather on the day.


Own-a-Pony Day

Wednesday 30th May, 9.30 – 4.00, £65

Come and spend the day with your favourite four legged friend. We will help you to groom and tack up your pony for two riding sessions and in between give you some stable management skills.

Please bring packed lunch and suitable clothing for the weather on the day.


Clear Round Jumping

Friday 1st June, 2.00, £30

Open to all our riders who have done some jumping. Rosettes for all clear rounds.

Easter 2018

Own-A-Pony Days

Wednesday 4th April & 11th April

9.30am – 4.00pm – £65,

Juniors 9.30 – 12.30 – £38

Come and spend time with your favourite four legged friend. We will help you to groom and tack up your pony for riding and in between give you some stable management skills

Bookings taken with a £10 non-refundable deposit.

Please bring packed lunch or mid-morning snack for the juniors and suitable clothing for the weather on the day.

easter eggs

Easter Gymkhana Games

Saturday 31st March, 3.00pm – 4.30pm – £20

easter bunny with text

*** Happy Easter ***

February Half Term 2018

Junior Own-a-PonyKean

Wednesday 14th February

9.30 – 12.30, £38

Aimed at our younger riders, Choose your favourite pony for the morning and we will help you to get them ready for an hours riding session and give you some stable management skills along the way.

Please bring a mid-morning snack and suitable clothing for the weather on the day.


TroyOwn-a-Pony Day

Wednesday 14th February

9.30 – 4.00, £65

Come and spend the day with your favourite four legged friend. We will help you to groom and tack up your pony for two riding sessions and in between give you some stable management skills.

Please bring packed lunch and suitable clothing for the weather on the day.

Festive Fun 2017

Own-a-Reindeer day

Wednesday 20th December 9.30 – 4.00 £65,  Juniors 9.30 – 12.30 £38

Come and spend a festive day with your favourite four legged friend. We will help you to groom, decorate and tack up your pony (Reindeer) for riding and in between give you some stable management skills. Bookings taken with a £10 non refundable deposit. Please bring packed lunch or mid morning snack for Juniors and suitable clothing for the weather on the day.

Own-a-Unicorn day

Wednesday 27th December 9.30 – 4.00 £65,

Juniors 9.30 – 12.30 £38

Come and spend a magical day with your favourite four legged friend. We will help you to groom, decorate and tack up your pony (Unicorn) for riding and in between give you some stable management skills. Bookings taken with a £10 non refundable deposit. Please bring packed lunch or mid morning snack for Juniors and suitable clothing for the weather on the day.

Christmas Gymkhana

Saturday 23rd December, 3.00 – 4.30 £20

Festive fun and games on horseback, Presents for good little boys and girls.

Father Christmas knows who you are!


and for the adults………

Last night at the proms music ride

Thursday 28th December, 9.30 – 5.00 ish, £65

Lets get bobbing in the saddle to a traditional medley of British sea songs building to a finale and the joining of hooves to Auld Lang Syne! We may not have Sir Henry Wood watching over us in person but we are sure to have as much fun as the last night prommers!

Merry Christmas and a

Happy New Year


October Half Term 2017

Own-A-Pony Day

Wednesday 25th October,
9.30am – 4.00pm – £65




Book your favourite four legged friend for the whole day and enjoy two riding sessions plus all the care and attention that goes with owing a horse. Packed lunch required and suitable clothing for the weather. A tiring yet fun day!!




Junior Own-A-Pony Day

Wednesday  25th October,
9.30am – 12.30pm – £38



Aimed at our younger riders. Choose your favourite pony for the morning and we will help you to get them ready for an hours riding session and give you some stable management skills along the way. No need for packed lunch , just a mid-morning snack and suitable clothing for the weather.


Bookings now being taken with a £10 non-refundable deposit

Family Riding Lesson Special Offer

Just over the Summer school holidays why not try riding as a family or group of friends?

Complete beginners through to experienced riders can book a half hour joint private lesson for the special price of just £65 for 4 riders.

(Normal price £80)

leaner horse

Bring along other family members or friends to take photos so you can remind yourself of the experience and you never know you might just enjoy it and want to continue!

We can be flexible with the time so please enquire at the office or email with your available dates/times and we will try to fit in with you.

We are open everyday except Thursdays, lessons are available from lunchtime through into the evening weekdays and 9-5 weekends.

Summer 2017

***Still a few spaces left on the remaining two

Summer Own-a-Pony days***


Own-A-Pony Days

Wednesday 2nd, 16th & 30th August, 9.30am – 4.00pm – £65

Book your favourite four legged friend for the whole day and enjoy two riding sessions plus all the care and attention that goes with owing a horse. Packed lunch required and suitable clothing for the weather. A tiring yet fun day!!



Junior Own-A-Pony Days

Wednesday  2nd, 16th & 30th August, 9.30am – 12.30pm – £38

Aimed at our younger riders. Choose your favourite pony for the morning and we will help you to get them ready for an hours riding session and give you some stable management skills along the way. No need for packed lunch , just a mid-morning snack and suitable clothing for the weather.


Bookings now being taken with a £10 non-refundable deposit

Late Spring Holiday (half term) 2017

ChesneyOwn-A-Pony Day

Wednesday 31st May, 9.30am – 4.00pm – £65

Book your favourite four legged friend for the whole day and enjoy two riding sessions plus all the care and attention that goes with owing a horse.

Packed lunch required and suitable clothing for the weather.
A tiring yet fun day!!
Bookings now being taken with a £10 non-refundable deposit

Tim 3Junior Own-A-Pony Day

Wednesday 31st May, 9.30am – 12.30pm – £38

Aimed at our younger riders. Choose your favourite pony for the morning and we will help you to get them ready for an hours riding session and give you some stable management skills along the way.

No need for packed lunch , just a mid-morning snack and suitable clothing for the weather.
Bookings now being taken with a £10 non-refundable deposit

Easter 2017

easter eggsOwn-A-Pony Days

Wednesday 5th April & 12th April

9.30am – 4.00pm – £65

Book your favourite four legged friend for the whole day and enjoy two riding sessions plus all the care and attention that goes with owing a horse.
Packed lunch required and suitable clothing for the weather.
A tiring yet fun day!!
Bookings now being taken with a £10 non-refundable deposit

deryn easter

easter eggsJunior Own-A-Pony Days

Wednesday 5th April & 12th April

9.30am – 12.30pm – £38

Aimed at our younger riders. Choose your favourite pony for the morning and we will help you to get them ready for an hours riding session and give you some stable management skills along the way.
No need for packed lunch , just a mid-morning snack and suitable clothing for the weather.
Bookings now being taken with a £10 non-refundable deposit

mickey easter

easter eggsGymkhana Games

Saturday 15th April, 3.00pm – 4.30pm – £20

easter bunny with text